Michael Koby's First & 20

mkoby's iPhone Home ScreenAfter visiting and reading through the website, FirstAnd20, I decided to one for myself. The concept is simple, you screenshot your iPhone’s first home screen and then explain what apps you have on there and why. You can also touch on apps that might not be on the first page but that you use regularly.  Here we go…

If you look at my home screen you’ll notice that with exception of a single row most of the apps on my home screen are either the default app, or an app that improves upon exisiting default apps. For example, the Evernote app replaces both the default Notes and Voice Memo apps. Also the Weather Channel app replaces the default Weather app.  You’ll notice that my bottom 4 apps remain unchanged except for the fact that I have jailbroken my device so that I could install the updated version of GV Mobile, giving me a Google Voice app on my phone.  I’ll continue to use this app until Google brings out their nice web app or Apple approves the official iPhone Google Voice app.  The GV Mobile app has replaced the Phone app on my bottom row.

Some of the none default apps you see are:  Tweetie 2, which is hands down the best Twitter app on the iPhone. It doesn’t crash and it’s feature set is fairly complete. Not to mention some of the user interface and user experience touches that really improve it’s usability over other Twitter iPhone apps.  For those that might try to convince me otherwise, I have tried most of more popular Twitter apps for the iPhone.

There’s the Facebook app which really needs zero explaination. The BeeJive IM app which I use to maintain instant msging presence (this is also how I communicate with the wife while on the go). I use the Gowalla app to checkin at places I visit. I prefer Gowalla to FourSquare.  There is also a Safari bookmark to the Houston area traffic map which is a must when driving around Houston at any given time.  And finally there is the Toodledo app which I use to manage my todo list. It syncs with the Toodledo website allowing me to have my todo list anywhere I’m at.

Apps that are not on my main page that I use frequently include the USA Today app for news, Shoutcast and Pandora for streaming music, and the game I’m currently playing is Fling.  Also, I use Wikipanion, which is a great Wikipedia app for the iPhone and essentially turns the iPhone into the Hitchhiker’s Guide.

So there you have it.  My FirstAnd20.  What’s yours?

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